Steering committee

Jean-François Caron
Project coordinatorJean-François Caron leads the Architected Materials and Structures (MSA) department of the Navier Laboratory and is Professor at Ecole des Ponts Paristech. His scientific contributions concerns essentially the modelling of multilayered structures and composites, and the study of innovative composite structures. He shared in 2006 the Tsuboi best paper award from the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) and in 2017 the « Outstanding paper award » from the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) for his work on composite gridshells. He is member since 2012 of the European working groupe WG4 “Fibre Reinforced Polymer Structures” developing composite Material Eurocode for new structures. For Three years, his research also focuses on digital construction, 3D printing and robot for construction and he leads the scientific developments of the new robotic platform of Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Build’in.
Affiliation: Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS

Nicolas Roussel
Project co-leadNicolas Roussel is in charge of the rheology and processing of construction materials team at IFSTTAR. He is the author of more than 100 international journal papers in this field. He received in 2007 the Robert L’Hermite Medal for his work on rheology of fresh concrete. He is chairing the Technical Advisory Committee of the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM) and the recent RILEM Technical Committee on Digital fabrication with cement‐based materials. He is editor in chief of RILEM technical letters, deputy editor in chief of Materials and structures and associate editor for Cement and concrete Research and Advances in Cement Research.
Affiliation: Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS
Principal investigators
Name | Affiliation | Research areas expertise |
Jean-François Caron | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | mechanics of materials and structures. Design of multilayers, structural conception, scale 1 fabrication, scientific director of Build'In Lab robotic platform. |
Olivier Baverel | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Structural engineering, Architecture |
Romain Mesnil | Build'In Lab, ENPC | Structural engineering, Complex geometries, Mathematics, responsible of Build'In Lab robotic platform. |
Adelaide Feraille | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Life Cycle Assessment, construction materials, environmental databases |
Nicolas Roussel | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Rheology, construction materials, civil engineering |
Emmanuel Keita | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Material science for civil engineering, water transfer |
Michel Bornert | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Micromechanics |
Charlotte Roux | Lab'Urba Laboratory, EIVP/UPEC/UPEM | Life Cycle Assessment, circular economy |
Robert Le Roy | GSA Laboratory, ENSAPM | Materials science, design of structures, concrete technology |
Serge Botton | IGN/ENSG/DPTS | Precise Positioning : GNSS |
Jacques Beilin | IGN/ENSG/DPTS | Precise Positioning : GNSS |
Franck Tertre | IGN/ENSG/DPTS | Precise Positioning : GNSS |
Alexandre Mathieu-Fritz | LATTS Laboratory, ENPC/UPEM/CNRS | Sociology of professions, sociology of work : technical change and its impact on the labour divison and the cooperation between professionals or workers |
Pascal Ughetto | LATTS Laboratory, ENPC/UPEM/CNRS | Organization studies, sociology of work: changes, espacially due to new technologies, in work activity and its organization and in skills. |
Thierry Grandpierre | LIGM Laboratory, ENPC/ESIEE/UPEM/CNRS | Methodology for fast prototyping of real-time application, multicomponent computing systems, virtual and augmented reality |
Eva Dokladalova | LIGM Laboratory, ENPC/ESIEE/UPEM/CNRS | Embedded vision systems, image processing, real-time computer vision, high performance computing systems. |
Renaud Marlet | LIGM Laboratory, ENPC/ESIEE/UPEM/CNRS | Robust and accurate camera registration, 3D reconstruction, geometry processing, semantization, buildings and urban scenes |
Pascal Monasse | LIGM Laboratory, ENPC/ESIEE/UPEM/CNRS | Camera calibration and registration, 3D reconstruction from images, image processing |
Mathieu Aubry | LIGM Laboratory, ENPC/ESIEE/UPEM/CNRS | Deep learning, analysis and use of 3D models |
Othman Omikrine-Metalssi | MAST-FM2D Laboratory, IFSTTAR | Durability of supplementary cementitious materials, early age exposure. |
Teddy Fen-Chong | MAST-FM2D Laboratory, IFSTTAR | Poromechanics, durability of construction materials |
Odile Abraham | GeoEND Laboratory, IFSTTAR | Non Destructive Evaluation, ultrasonics, coda, surface waves, NDT, concrete |
Xavier Derobert | GeoEND Laboratory, IFSTTAR | Non Destructive Evaluation, Radar, electromagnetism, NDT, concrete, soils |
Bogdan Cazacliu | GPEM Laboratory, IFSTTAR | Cementitious materials mixing, in-line rheology during mixing and transport |
Ricardo Artoni | GPEM Laboratory, IFSTTAR | Flow properties of granular fluids |
Nicolas Roquet | GPEM Laboratory, IFSTTAR | Numerical simulations of complex fluids in complex geometry |
Jean-François Blassel | EAVT | Architecture, Engineering |
Marc Mimram | EAVT | Architecture, Engineering |
Mélanie Tual | CSTB | Integration of urban uses and users into BIM |
Rémi Montorio | CSTB | BIM methods applied to the different territorial scales |
Romain Mège | CSTB | Structures evaluation, Risk Mitigation, Structural Dynamics |
Philippe Leblond | CSTB | Structures evaluation, 3D printing process evaluation, Masonry |
Guillaume Picinbono | CSTB | Digitalization of building products and materials |
Arnaud Mistre | CSTB | Reality modelling, UAV, Augmented reality, IOTon construction sites |
Tristan Gobin | HAL Robotics | Versatile robot programming for industries and construction |
Name | Affiliation | Partner | Research areas expertise |
Romain Duballet | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | LafargeHolcim | Building systems for additive concrete manufacturing |
Wenqiang Zuo | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | ||
Vianney Loing | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS LIGM Laboratory, ENPC/ESIEE/UPEM/CNRS | Complex masonry systems, machine vision for on-site robotic assemblies |
PhD candidates
Name | Affiliation | Partner | Research areas expertise |
Sébastien Maitenaz | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Vinci Construction | Reinforced concrete |
Nicolas Ducoulombier | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Labex MMCD | Anisotropic concrete additive manufacturing |
Léo Demont | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Anisotropic concrete additive manufacturing | |
Paul Carneau | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Additive concrete manufacturing of cantilevers | |
Yang Xiao | LIGM Laboratory, ENPC/ESIEE/UPEM/CNRS Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Machine vision for robotic manipulators | |
Julien Glath | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | DiXite | Robotic assemblies for demountable construction |
Camille Boutemy | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | DiXite | Adaptive formworks for concrete construction |
Kateryna Kuzmenko | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | Kardham Cardete Huet | Environmental impact and Life Cycle Analysis of new digitized construction processes |
Pierre Gilibert | Navier Laboratory, ENPC/IFSTTAR/CNRS | DiXite | Generative design of assemblies for demountable construction |